Saturday, July 30, 2011

Cr-48 webcam not working on Chrome OS 433.257 (Official Build) stable-channel x86-mario

I found a solution in the chromium-os code discussion forum located at this link:

Here is an excerpt of the discussion:

The following normally resolves the issue:
1. Enter "chrome://plugins" into the Omnibar, without the quotes.

2. Expand the (+) on the extreme right side of the display.

3. If there are multiple version of Flash, disable: /opt/google/chrome/pepper/

4. Open a new instance of the program using the webcam, and see if it works.

A later comment confirmed: The Pepper Flash in Chrome OS right now (R12) doesn't support mic or cam access. We will work to enable it in a future release. Thanks for your patience.

If you have any questions, let me know.:

-Cody Hayes 602-373-8485

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Finally fixed Connection to Verizon Wireless 3G with Google Chrome Notebook CR-48

My Cr-48 was not connecting to Verizon Wireless 3G. At best, the connection was intermittent.
After troubleshooting with Verizon Wireless broadband tech support and working through all known issues, my problem wasn't solved. Finally I contacted a chrome notebook ninja.

Initially, the Ninja walked me through the same troubleshooting as Verizon had. After the troubleshooting did not produce a result, the Ninja asked the rep to clear out the DMU Key (For more info on this visit - Verizon Wireless Dynamic Mobile IP Key Update (DMU Key)).

Finally, my system was up and running again!

If you've already activated your wireless account with verizon and you're having connectivity issues, this process might fix your connectivity problems. If it does not, you may need to call verizon (see link above) and have them clear out your DMU Key.

Here's the process we went through initially:
First, sign in to your chromebook and be sure you're connected via wi-fi, then follow these steps:

1. ctrl + alt + T to get the chromebook terminal
2. type "modem status" to get your "min" and "mdn" numbers.
3. type "modem factory-reset" to reset your modem, then wait ten seconds and do a status again (type "modem status") to confirm the reset worked (the "mdn" and "min" numbers will have changed if the reset worked).
4. exit the terminal by typing "exit" or just switch back to the main window using the F5 key (key with the multiple windows on it -- works just like alt+tab in windows)
5. In the upper right corner, click on the network connections area and select "activate verizon wireless."
6. If you cannot connect, call Verizon Wireless and ask them to reset your DMU Key.

Worked for me! Thanks Chromebook Ninja!

If you want to contact me regarding this post, feel free to call 602-373-8485 or find me on google+.

-Cody Hayes