Disclaimer: This blog is my own journal of sorts and I'm going to make an effort to stay current at least once per week. My thoughts here may be disjointed. I may speak in fragments... I like it that way~
I was notified last week that I won a "Kaplan 1l Student Success Kit" from a drawing I entered at orientation last saturday 8/15/09. I'm in the library now to meet with a representative and pick it up.
So, in retro-spect the first week of law school was exciting and very new. Different from anything I've done before in terms of academic work. It felt so disorienting at times. People say that law school is about learning a "language" and to some extent I agree, but the part I have found most challenging so far is simply getting through the assigned material and extracting the pieces, "rules" that are most important. It seems that when I read passively I do a better job of understanding cases and the rules associated. When I think critically during the reading I find that I lose track and become confused.
Practice, Practice, Practice.... like with anything, practice is what it takes to make sense of this new challenge. The best way to digest all of this material is to simply keep reading.
Oh yeah, another purpose of this blog is for me to have writing practice. I completed a grammar assessment over the weekend (required for the writing class) and scored 68%. I am not surprised. I have never learned the formal rules of writing. That's over now! Get ready to work!
Jennifer just got here with my "success kit" Pretty cool - MP3 versions of civil procedure, constitutional law, contracts, criminal law, property, and torts; Plus, a book - like I really need another book to read... we'll see.
Okay, got to head to class now. its 8:11am.